Day 3 of CIY Summer Conference California 1 was unlike any other Monday of Conference I have been apart of in the last 6 years. Because there are 4 churches attending the week, and two of those churches are already on campus, registration consisted of the leader of each group calling me when they arrived and then I would take care of giving them all the information they needed. No large set-up, and the staff did not have to be at registration all day. The staff was able to relax and it definitely put everyone in a "stress free" mode.
Flagstaff and CCV, the two churches that arrived early, both went to Huntington Beach for the day. The other two churches arrived around noon. Central Christian Church from Portales, NM did something I don't think I had ever heard of before. From New Mexico, they took a 15 hour train ride to Los Angeles and then took the city buses to Chapman University. Josh, their leader, said the train was not too bad, the crazy part was the pubic bus system in Los Angeles. I can only imagine the experience that must have been. Christ Church of the Valley from Prescott, AZ left at 6am and arrived shortly after lunch.
The rest of the day consisted of an REI trip, where I bought some new toys for my bike and making sure everything was ready to go for 1st session. Matt Bayless and his band did an incredible job. Kevin did a great job with the sermon that night. He talked about how God is always pursuing us. God is always speaking into our lives, but do we ever stop to listen? Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" was the scripture reference Kevin used to tie together the night. No matter what we have done, Christ gave his life to save us. God is pursing you.
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