Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Jr. High Small Group #1

This past Sunday we had our first Jr. High Small Group of the semester. The 8th grade boys came over to my house and we just watched the Packers and the Giants (no comment on that game) and ate pizza. Because it was the first one of the semester, we just hung out for a couple hours.

My favorite part of the night was once Halftime started, two of the boys decided it was wrestling time and then proceeded to wrestle for the next 45 minutes in the middle of my living room. Isn't that what halftime is for?

My favorite quote of the night was when I told them I would e-mail this week with some info. I then got the reply to send a text instead of an email because he never checks his email. ATnd then when he does check it he has 2,000 messages. I asked if it was spam, and then I found out it is not spam but myspace comment alerts. Oh my how times have changed since I was in Jr. High.

I am pretty excited about the group and hanging out with this group of guys every week. One small cool thing is that we all are big sports fans, especially baseball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.